Business warehouse and inventory management

Ramgovind, P , Engelbrecht, W


Supply chains are constantly faced with challenging and evolving consumer demands. To remain competitive in the market; all partners along the supply chain are responsible for value-adding activities. Warehousing and inventory management are significant components of a supply chain; irrespective of how short or long; and have the propensity either to elevate operations or render them redundant. Business warehouse and inventory management dis�­cusses critical aspects pertaining to warehouse and inventory management that are necessary for the successful operation of a supply chain in the con�­temporary business environment. Business warehouse and inventory management begins with Part A; contex�­tualising supply chain management and warehouse management. Part B fo�­cuses on various key components of inventory management and; finally; Part C investigates integrated warehousing and inventory risk management support�­ed with outlining future trends within warehouse and inventory management.

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Van Schaik Publishers
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