Edexcel A level Spanish (includes AS)

Laiz, Mó , nica Morcillo , Barefoot, Simon , Mee, David , Thacker, Mike , Education, Hodder


Exam Board: Edexcel
Level: AS/A-level
Subject: Spanish
First Teaching: September 2017
First Exam: June 2018

Endorsed for the Edexcel A-level specification from 2016.

Develop all four language skills with a single textbook that has clear progression from GCSE and throughout the new A-level.

- Clear progression through four stages of learning: transition, AS, A-level and extension
- Develops language skills through reading, listening, speaking and writing tasks, plus translation and research practice
- Exposes students to authentic topical stimulus and film and literature tasters for every work
- Equips students with the tools they need to succeed with learning strategies throughout
- Prepares students for the assessment with advice on the new individual research project and essay-writing
- Builds grammar skills with exercises throughout and a detailed grammar reference section

Audio resources to accompany the Student Book must be purchased separately. They can be purchased in several ways: 1) as part of the Boost digital teacher resources; 2) as a separate audio download; 3) as part of the Boost eBook.

The audio resources are not part of the Edexcel endorsement process.

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Hodder Education
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