Life skills - my journey; my destiny 2/e

Heerden-Pieterse, E Van


An essential workbook for all of us wanting to reach our full potential; both personally and professionally. Explains how to manage our social; academic and work environments effectively as the key to personal success. Aimed primarily at learners preparing to enter the world of work; and learners who are forming new types of relationships; redefining themselves and beginning to establish their identities as adults and workers. Contents include the following: � Student life and adjustment to life on campus and lecture and study skills � Self-directed learning; time management; career planning and motivation � Coping with cultural diversity and change � Conflict management; problem solving and decision making � Interpersonal relationships and healthy living (including HIV and AIDS; drug abuse and pregnancy) � Self-image; assertiveness and stress � Critical and analytical thinking � Helping skills; trauma; loss and bereavement � Entering the world of work: CVs and portfolios; job searches and interviews � Ethics and professional behaviour in the workplace

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Van Schaik Publishers
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