This fourth edition aims to contribute to the theoretical and practical foundations of effective management in early childhood development (ECD) and the Foundation Phase in South African schools. The survival and success of early childhood education (ECE) centres and schools depend on the ability of education managers to meet the needs of the children/learners, educators, parents and the community. Management in Early Childhood Education provides a comprehensive overview of the management of ECE centres for children from birth to nine years old. This book is a resource and reference guide which includes among others Internet sources and templates such as inventories, financial planning, parents’ newsletters and agendas of staff meetings. It focuses especially on the South African context by referring to appropriate examples and scenarios of real-life situations in this country as well as the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) (Birth to Four), the National Early Learning Development Standards (NELDS), the Early Learning Developmental Areas (ELDAS) and the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) (Grades R to 3). It also offers practical applications for the many theoretical frameworks and philosophical orientations. This fourth edition not only contributes to the effectiveness and competence of university students and newly appointed ECE teachers, but will also support experienced teachers in their everyday experiences. Management in Early Childhood Education is therefore aimed at student teachers, educators, administrators and child caregivers.