This novel, set in a fictional ancient kingdom in West Africa, explores intrigue and power struggles among royals. Kingmakers pronounce Amina as the Queen of Zamanda. Her choice goes against the grain of societal norms. There’s obvious conflict between opposing forces standing for tradition and religion. Then Amina flees into exile as Princes threaten to kill her. Now Prince Daud takes the throne by force of arms. Daud’s reign is bloody and brutal. Later, Daud dies in battle. Thereafter, Amina is crowned as the Queen. Once she ascends the throne, she goes about righting the wrongs of the past. Amina is a force for change. This tale highlights selfless and enlightened leadership against the backdrop of a leadership that is greedy and rapacious. It is an aggregation of basic human experience ranging from patience, perseverance, courage, loyalty, despair, and loss.