(Un)silence LGBTI experiences and identities in institutions of higher learning in southern Africa

Kiguwa, Peace , Mavhandu-Mudzisi, Azwihangwisi , Nduma, Mzikazi , Mooketsane, Keneilne , Bandawe, Chiwoza


"This book brings together research and on-going reflections on the relationship between sexual and gender identities, individual and social strategies of social interaction within these spaces, nuances of teaching and learning in the classroom for change, community engagement, relation with self and others, institutional protection of sexual and gender integrity through policy.
The various chapters in the book address and document different shifts, experiences and challenges faced by sexual and gender minorities within higher education contexts across the region. The contributors of this book draw from their research, teaching and reflexive practice as educators, allies, members of LGBTI+ communities, researchers and activists to think through the meanings of transformation in higher education: Meanings that include an awareness of what it means to confront narrative and discursive constructs as ‘other’ because of one’s perceived and real sexual and gendered embodiment."

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Unisa Press
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