Young child in context 2 Revised

Witt, M De


Every child constantly changes and undergoes processes of emotional; cognitive; normative and physical development. At each age and stage of development children need continued support and assurance from adults in order to assimilate the effects of these changes. The pace of the child�s development and its outcome are determined by both genetic factors and the influence of the environment. The young child in context: a psycho-social perspective examines the complex yet clearly defined phases in child development and suggests how best to encourage and assist children through the formative first nine years of their lives. In the revised second edition; the case is put more strongly that the context of each child is of crucial importance and that stimulation is essential in enabling the child to reach his or her full potential. The young child in context follows two different perspectives on the development of the young child: psychological and social-educational. Each chapter provides definitions of concepts; self-test questions; field assignments; additional assignments for revision and case studies related to the topics covered. Issues are discussed within a South African context.

R 603.00
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Van Schaik Publishers
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